
2022-04-23 08:44来源:品阁网

How do you tell your kid that the planet is ending

That's the question I get from parents. As if I have an answer. I would never want to do that to a kid. Your childhood ends when you find out because so much hope is placed on you.

When I was younger, my family and I would go into the highlands of central Mexico and have lunch by the lake. And so the prayer of thanks would begin. That's how I grew up.

I remember driving by El Rio Lerma with my dad. It's the most polluted river in Mexico and it's right by my hometown.

One generation. How does that happen

This is the chance that we have. Intergeneratio<em></em>nal cooperation. We want to work with you.

We cannot waste our time blaming each other. We have to come together.

I love the saying that goes: We don't inherit the earth, we borrow it from our children. I'm going to work to save the planet for my children.

一个布特Xiye Bastida

西耶·巴斯蒂达,纽约气候正义活动家,“未来星期五”青年气候罢工运动的主要组织者之一。她是“人民气候运动”的管理委员会成员,在那里她把青年的声音带给现有的基层和气候组织。她也是Re-Earth Initiative的协调员。


